Enhance your Android Phone`s Display w/ Bravia Engine

Hello techies! I`m here again to share a review/comparison for our beloved android phones again! So today I`ll be sharing the Bravia Engine 3, a Display enhancer for android phones.If you`re clueless w/ what`s a Bravia Engine, here`s a short background to give you an idea. " The Sony Mobile BRAVIA Engine 3 is a video enhancement program for Sony phones. It uses filters and algorithms to create a clearer and more contrasted picture and an overall smoother experience. This is perfect for the Note II's huge HD screen but can be a little to saturated for people like photographers who want to see how the photo looks exactly with out any enhancements. The change is not huge but is definitely noticeable if two devices are compared. This program is very light weight and works with all models of the Note II so fa...