The Effect Of Stiev-A Tretinoin 0.1% cream

Hello guys! It`s already months since I posted my last blog entry [and I`m really sorry for that >_<], and I`m so glad to be back! I missed blogging and my viewers too!
As a comeback entry, I decided to write about a very helpful and inspiring topic and I know that my readers are going to like it! :)

Ok. Let` start!

If you can remember, I posted a review about Stiev-A Tretinoin 0.1 cream, this review covers how tretinoin reacts on my skin after experiencing "chicken pox" or having an acne all over your body, and yeah I know that this sucks. I discussed how Stiev-A Tretinoin 0.1% cream helped me to fade these acne marks without undergoing surgeries. You can check out the post here:

Today, I just finished my 1ST TUBE of Stiev-A Tretinoin cream and I`m so surprised with the results, and of course, so excited to show everyone what a TUBE of tretinoin gave me! It exceeded my expectation!

This is how my skin looks like before testing out Stiev-A Tretinoin [click to enlarge the image]

You need to look at the image closely because the lighting on this photo is a bit great to hide it.
You can see these things on my skin:
-Acne Marks
-Dark Skin
-Eye bag

But after using my first tube of Stiev-A Tretinoin 0.1% cream, my nightmare changed into wonderland!

I`m almost acne free and whenever I raise one, it will only last for not more than a week because of the tretinoin`s drying effect[if it isnt severe]. I also have a lighter skin tone now compared before.[The photo above was taken in a party with good lighting, and this photo[man in red] was taken in a night club with low lighting and you can see that I still look brighter on the 2nd photo.

No word/s can describe how Tretinoin helped me up! I`m really speechless with the result!
I`m still working on some light acne marks today but I believe that this will be solved on my 2nd tube.
I use the Tretinoin together with a Hypoallergenic soap, cleanser, erythromycin and melawhite cream from my doctor on a regular basis.

I suggest everyone to keep on using it and don`t even think that it is not working... it needs time to work!
Use it on a regular basis and I`m sure that you`ll like the product of your patience!

Tretinoin is a miracle cure for me, but it doesnt mean that you guys will also receive the same effects. Remember that we have different skin types. Product reviews like these might help you in deciding but consulting your local dermatologist will be the best before using any products on your skin.

Goodluck and God bless!

Feel free to contact me using my links located in the side bar if you have questions or concerns :).


  1. Do you still use Tretinoin? You have an amazing effect!

    How long does 1 tube last?

  2. Yes, I still use tretinoin, and a tube will last for about 3 months with pea size application. I have updated photos on Facebook where you can see the results. Check it out:

  3. Wow. I saw the updated pictures. Just want to know, did this tretinoin help you with the scars? Did it become shallow?

    1. Because of the daily skin peeling that I experience, I must say yes :)


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