
Showing posts from 2014

Learning How To Walk: A College Preparation Manual

The joyful (and sometimes boring) days for the students are almost over. Summer is about to end in a snap which means that the doors of our beloved schools are opening in a few. I`m sure that students like me are currently experiencing mixed emotions there goes "I`m so excited for school! I`m finally going to see my crush again!!!" or the dark side of  "Jeez... I`m going to see that (insert name of student or teacher that you hate here) again! I don`t wanna see him/her!". We`ll be having our enrollment on May 19 and we`ll have our first class on May 26 (because we`re on a trimestral calendar). Just a few days remaining before the opening of the 1st trimester S.Y. 2014-2015 and so I decided to give some tips to my fellow students who are taking their big leap in education which is the entry in college :). 1. Pick your path! Choose a course that fits you!   Students nowadays are taking the courses that their parents/relatives wanted them to take. Please! Never eve...

MyPhone RIO: Hot or Not?

After a couple of excellent Myphone A(insert alphanumeric characters here) and Agua series, the company shocked the market with their new smartphone release, which is the MyPhone RIO. CTO MP Facebook Page My Thoughts What`s the selling point of this phone? It`s obviously the color. MyPhone Rio is available in color white, blue, green, red, orange, yellow and black. Smartphones are developed to take the connections brought by the usual phones to the next level. That`s why earlier, these smartphones gained an impression that these will only be used by professionals or higher ops, considering its price range. But today, it`s no longer rare to see a child walking down the street with his/her smartphone swinging together with his/her hand. Let`s face it... smartphones are now used for fashion or to flash your economic status in public; and speaking about fashion we use smartphones just like our clothes to express who we are and what we feel. (I personally do this in my iOS by chang...

Hello there!

So today I decided to blog instead of finishing the stuffs that I`m supposed to do, which are my requirements for the finals! (coz we`re trisem ye know) During the past few days, I felt incomplete; There`s something deep inside of me which makes me think that I`m REALLY missing something. Of course not those academic stuff and must-have gadgets in my list, I`m so tired and full of those and currently enjoying what I have in those fields! (keep the humble attitude dude) I`m really wondering if there`s still a huge chance of me falling in love... you know... the serious type. I don`t wanna play anymore. Let`s get rid of the play offs! (Strips clothes and walks out) The last time I fell DEEPLY and SERIOUSLY in love was 3 or 4 years ago. After that, every relationship where I was in is considered as a hunger for an accompaniment. I know I might sound bad to you while reading this stuff, but for real... I`m really willing to change for the better... and I believe that God didn't fail ...

Developed Out Of Boredom: AMA Fairview Grade Calculator

Hello People! Sorry if I wasnt able to write a blog entry for so long, I`m just so busy @ school and I can`t find time to blog. :) This weekend is really sick! Literally sick because I`m lying on my bed while struggling with fever. Before I get killed by this boredom, I decided to practice writing in programming language [AGAIN] because I`m retaking my Object Oriented Programming subject =,= here in my current school. The software product of my boredom is not really that great but I`m sure is functional for students [like me] and maybe also functional for teachers. This is the AMA Fairview Grade Calculator. The program follows the same computation as how your teachers/professors calculate your final grade. Per Period: Quizzes = 40% Class Participation = 10% Major Examination = 50% Overall Grade Computation: Prelims = 30% Midterms = 30% Finals = 40% You might experience minor bugs but I believe that the bugs that you'll be experiencing is not a biggie because...